Well I finally got my recipe book scanned and I opened the book up to my first recipe page. I have to get familiar with my new scanner but for now this is the book. It is an 8.5 x 8.5 chipboard album that Stampin Up carries. I love this size and might actually do a couple of mini albums using this size. At a Stampin Up convention (which I have never gotten to go to) they had a really cute idea using these albums. The idea is a yours (devoted to my hubby), mine (devoted to me), us (devoted to my hubby and myself) and them(devoted to the kids) albums. I want to fill them with tons of stories about my childhood and my hubby's then when and how we met and what we did before we had kids, and last but not least a book of all my fav pics of my kiddos and the fun we have had as a family through the years. Some of my kids need a reminder...lol
I know this book doesn't actually look the size I stated but I have to figure out my new scanner software and stitch. I have to wait for my oldest to wake up and help me out...LOL... I plan on making each kid their own cookbook and for Christmas I did one for my sister and my cousin (which their covers aren't completely done yet but Thursday I will complete them.
I forgot to add that the album was covered in paper that is retired from Stampin Up as well as the ribbon found on this book. The flowers are from Stamipn Up pretties kit and they come in white but are so easy to add color to. I used a sponge dauber and an ink pad. Super easy and the kit has TONS of flowers in it. The recipe page is also using Stampin Up products and I did this page is a class.
Thanks for stopping by
Congratulations! I just wanted you to know that your project will appear on the Yahoo Group Late Night Stamper’s blog finds of the day for January 7. Want to receive your own copy of the blog finds of the day? Join us at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stampinuplnstampers/ or visit our Blog Finds of the Day Blog at http://blogfindsoftheday.blogspot.com.
Im here from LNS group as mentioned above. One question: I'm assuming you did not cook a chicken with skin on it? Have I misunderstood that? Love your page.
This is so pretty! You did a beautiful job! TYFS!
Chanda Stehlik
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